Monday, July 21, 2008


Well as most of you know I'm moving out in approximately 2 weeks! Which is a big deal for me! I'm moving up to Logan to attend Utah State University. I committed to play soccer there my junior year of high school, and signed my life away the end of my senior year...I couldn't be happier!
Anyway, I decided that the best way for me to stay somewhat connected to my old life down in Provo (and to keep my sanity in the small town of Logan) I would start a blog! I figure I can kinda use it as a journal/record of happenings in my life! Sooooo, this is the first post-a little short compared to most of my siblings, but I'm a single 18 year old girl with no life (yet), what do you expect!

1 comment:

MsErikapaola said...

ha i love you and you are gorgeous.. so they should fix that sign..